heartwarming Photos of Children and Their Pets by Elena Shumilova

Elena Shumilova photographs her children with their pets and the result is so cute and so sweet. I just

« what if animals were round ? » – Rollin’Wild

Rollin’Wild is a really funny series of short animated films that ask a simple question: How would it be

National Geographic photo contest 2014

The National Geographic Photo Contest has just ended and I invite you to discover the winning images of this

The Most Striking WWF Campaigns

Founded in 1961, the WWF (World Wide Fund) has never given up when it comes to fighting for the

Katerina Plotnikova’s dream world

Photographs of Katerina Plotnikova immerse us in a fantastic, poetic world, made of wild creatures and young girls in

Five Hilarious animated shorts from Bird Box Studio

Here we have some short animation films produced by the Bird Box studio. These films are very short but

Photoshopped hybrids animals

Specialists of the popular image manipulation software, Photoshop lack neither talent nor imagination. Below you can find some samples