The worst but funny wedding photos

I spent hours on the web to find the funniest and kitschest wedding photos ever, only for you guys.
I really enjoyed gathering these marriage photos found on the web. There is everything: funny, kitsch, clumsiness, provocation … in short, what to make you laugh, or at least smile. Some are intentionally funny, some are not. I put everything in bulk so it’s up to you to sort it out.
For once I did not add a source to the images. First of all because I do not want to embarrass anyone but especially because I have not always found who they belong to. So, if you want to know, a little research with Google Reverse or Tineye may help you.
And then sorry for the poor quality of some of them. I did the best but finally we are not here to appreciate the aesthetic or technical side of the photos but just to have some fun right? 😉
Last thing, if you have funny pictures that I can add to this article, do not hesitate.
Come on, have fun ( Be careful cuz some of these pictures bellow can make your eyes bleeding :p )
Watch out for your hands dude!
Jeez, I’m already starting to feel pain in my eyes.
Damn! My eyes start bleeding now.
Seriously? Is there a guy who thought it would be cool to photoshop like that?
Just married and she’s already cheating… with a shark!
Oh yeah, in the moulth! Why not in the noze now?
Awkward moment…
Can anyone tell this guy that his wife is not a camel?
Welcome to the kingdom of kitsch
here I’m good for the ophthalmologist
This guy is getting married with … a donkey! normal.
This one is intentionally funny. Congratulations to the photographer. I just love it.
Strong as he looks, he must be Russian
Oh yes, this one is clearly Russian.
Great photographers have great ideas
Our love flies to the azure skies as our eternal love (Yeah! I’m feeling inspired)
When I said the noze… that was a joke.
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